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Our Mission

The Order of St. Raphael Archangel offers a home base for Sacred Healers of all modalities, from all religious and spiritual traditions. Our mission is to work with Loving Creator and Archangel Raphael to offer healing, peace, and love to all on the planet. 

Here, Sacred Healers will not only receive support for their healing efforts, but they will also learn to become more effective healers. 

Working together, we are a powerful force for healing, for peace, and for universal wellbeing.

Calling all Healers

Now, more than ever, our world needs the loving energy of Sacred Healers to restore and help balance Mother Earth and its inhabitants.

So many of us are feeling troubled and depressed as we witness the chaos unleashed in the world. We sometimes feel overwhelmed and helpless in the challenges that come our way. As healers, we know that we are powerful co-creators and when we combine our loving intentions with others, miracles will happen.

Our Members

This community is for everyone, not just alternative healers or hands-on healers or medical professionals. It welcomes all who have a calling to ease suffering, whether it is through prayer or visualization or nutrition or therapies.  

Become a member of the Order of St. Raphael healing community. Find out how.

Got questions? Check our FAQ.

A Message from Archangel Raphael

Does it appear to you that there is a battle between good and evil? That dark forces are lining up around the world fighting for control? That the greedy and the power-hungry are joining forces against humanity?

If you have observed this, you are not alone. We are callin​g the Sacred Healers to band together to bring Love to bear on the trials you see. Call on the mighty Archangels to protect Earth and all who serve Divine Love.

Becoming a Sacred Healer is an act of faith in the power of transformation.

 It means stepping forward to become a real and effective force for good in the world. By accepting your vocation as a Sacred Healer, you demonstrate your belief that the world can be transformed and that you can assist that transformation in real and powerful ways. 

As a Sacred Healer, you dedicate yourself to walking through life as a healer first and foremost. You become a force on earth for everything good, with love in your words, your thoughts, and your actions. Even your dreams and goals will reflect your desire that Love become the dominant force on the Earth. 

By becoming a Sacred Healer, you allow yourself to be changed into 

something more than what you were before.

Is This a Religious Group?

No, it is a group for people who feel deeply called to the work of healing. Some of the people here are devout members of one or another faith or denomination, some are agnostic or atheist, some spiritual, some New Age. 

 All of our members respect each other's beliefs in the spirit of mutual dedication to healing and wholeness. Feel free to mentally change the wordings you find here to suit your tradition. Where we say, 'Love' or 'Divine Love,' you may think of a name of God or Source or Universe. Where we say 'angel,' you may think 'energy' or 'vibration.' Where we say 'prayer' you may think 'good wishes' or 'energy' or 'meditation,' etc.

 We do not share the same beliefs perhaps, but we share a universal spirit of compassion, respect, and charity to all.

Join our Community

We welcome you to our cyber-community, a place to share with​ like-minded people. 

The Order of St. Raphael is an affirming, welcoming community for people of all traditions, faiths and healing modalities. 

Let's transform the world with our healing, loving intentions.

Learn More

St Raphael the Healer

One of the most powerful Archangels, Raphael's name means "one who heals." Christianity, Judaism and Islam all refer to this Angel in their holy books, and in the book of Tobit especially, Raphael is revealed as a mighty healing Angel of Creator. 

As patron of our healing community, Raphael and all the healing angels support our prayers and intentions. We keep them pretty busy.

Raphael is also called upon to smooth the traveller's path and for those who are looking for a true love, Raphael has been known to play matchmaker.

A Healing Meditation for All

This is a powerful healing mediation written and recorded by Jean many years ago.  It has assisted many in their healing journey and we offer it to you, too

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