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The Call to be a Sacred Healer

The Call to be Sacred Healers

Many of us practise a healing modality that has changed our lives. When Deb took her first levels of Therapeutic Touch, it opened a way of seeing and experiencing the world and took her on an adventure into an understanding of energy that has been at once mystical and practical.  

 All healing modalities are equally important. There is no perfect method. What calls one person may seem too complicated or even unappealing to another. There is a place for all expressions of healing and as we work together as a community, intending peace, love, joy and deep restoration for the inhabitant of Mother Earth - and Earth itself- the effects will be known.  

The world needs practitioners in these categories - and others that we've likely missed. And, we need to support each other as we reach out to assist people from our particular place on the healing spectrum. This is our intention as the Order of St. Raphael.  

The Need for Community

We live in challenging times. In the face of global warming, political unrest, disparity of power, retraction of rights, pandemic trauma, and a stirring up of fear and anxiety, we have much work to do to level out the scale. 

Being a Sacred Healer is a sacred vocation. It is not always an easy journey and is often a lonely walk. Here is a place of like-minded folks. A place where we can be affirmed and accepted and honoured for the important work we do. As Sacred Healers dedicated to helping restore health and balance on many levels, this is a loving community where we can be ourselves, find understanding, recognize our blessings and discuss the rocky patches on the path.

The Order of St. Raphael

- offers a dedicated private Facebook group in which we can share.

- a Rule of Life, to ground and protect us in our work.

- offers resources and universal prayers to assist in our healing work.

- online invitations to gather as a group to cover the world in blessing and healing.

- online workshops to inspire and focus our work as Sacred Healers

We remind each other of the wonder and goodness of life, lifting each other up each day in our prayers and intentions. And, we call in the beautiful energy of St. Raphael and all the healing angels to assist us in our work.

Taking Part in the Community

In our community, we recognize that differences in religion, politics, and societal values can give rise to anger, judgment, condemnation, and other negative energies that are not conducive to health, wellbeing and healing. We therefore choose not to discuss such things in divisive terms but in those which foster unity.  

Instead of saying, "I hope [this political party, this candidate, etc.] wins," we say "I affirm political leaders of integrity and justice who seek to better the lives of all people, not just the wealthy." Such a statement targets no person or party but acknowledges that such leaders are desirable. 

Please be aware that for the good of the community, comments that foster negativity will be deleted and posters of such comments may be banned. 

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